Regular Meeting – May 1, 2012

           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Larry Helsley at 1600 hours.  Members present: George Owen, Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams.  Member absent: None.  Others present: Chief Alvord, David Hammer Legal Advisor, Bob Simmons ECV, Sleeper Ernie Curran, Sheila Brewer, and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting April 9, 2012 -  

B.      Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss /Approve Old Fire Station leased to the Clampers has a leak in the roof, fiscal impact $1,400 – Chief Alvord reported another estimate was presented today for $1,300; both bids are consistent on what needs to be done to fix the roof.  There was discussion, Mr. Simmons will meet with the Clampers and see if they will be able to share any cost of the repairs.  MSC: Britton/Williams table for 2 months for the next budget year. 

B.     Discuss/Approve Watershed Center contract and Attachment A – Chief Alvord reported the watershed center has a grant to burn in Hayfork which includes volunteer firefighters burning for training.  There was discussion and Mr. Hammer made additional changes to the contract.  MSC: Britton/Potter to approve the contract with any changes Mr. Hammer makes, and gives Chief Alvord authorization to sign the contract.

C.    Discuss/Approve 1 claim to be written off – MSC: Williams/Owen to write off the claim.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord reported: Firestorm has been working at Ponderosa Pines in Lewiston; they have plenty of jobs and have a waiting list for jobs.  The grant award number for the new Title III grant is still pending.

B.          Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:

Training – A power point presentation was given on the Burn training last week at Shasta College, Haz-mat training was successfully broadcasted to Hyampom, a readiness drill is in planning for June 15 &16th, PG&E will be training on power line and electricity next week, burn trailer will be on May 19 & 20th by North Tree Fire.

Vehicles – There was discussion about 2111 leaving the District, policy states that E-2111 leaving the District is up to the Chiefs discretion.  Air brakes were fixed on WT-31.  Sleeper Curran has been welding brackets on the engines to help keep equipment in place.

Misc – FEMA Fire Prevention and Safety grant was submitted for public education and smoke detectors with no cost match.  A request letter was sent to Mr. Coulter for a large trust fund donation.  Urinal was fixed at Station #1. 

Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran invited all Board Members to the Department Dinner meeting for awards.  Sleeper Curran reported on the number of days he has spent working on various projects: 3 day Shasta college burn, 2 days driving the engines, 4 days adding brackets to E-2111, 2 days fixing urinal, and 2 days random station maintenance.

C.         Committee Reports:

a.      Recruitment Committee – None

b.     Collections Committee – 5 claims are in the process of being filed in small claims court.

c.      Contract Committee – Committee will meet and present Chief Alvord’s Employment Contract to the Board for approval at the next meeting.

d.     Tuition Committee – None

e.      Budget Committee – Committee will need to meet between June and July to close out the 2011/2012 budget, and work on the 2012/2013 budget.

D.         Directors Reports – Mr. Williams reported State Farm Good Neighbor grant is open and we have been encouraged to apply.  Mr. Britton reported he was on duty this weekend and B-2103 is showing its age.  Chairman Helsley reported he attended the last two LAFCO meetings, Mr. Britton was re-elected to their board, and there will be a small increase in our LAFCO fee due to adjustments made by other Special Districts revenue




V.              CORRESPONDENCE: None


VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1733 hours.

Approved: June 5, 2012




______________________________                  _____________________________

    Larry Helsley, Chairman                                            Marjie Watkins, Clerk